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Is fear of failure holding you back and keeping you from doing things you want to do? It’s time to break through the fear barrier.

“You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”

Fear starts in your thoughts. To overcome fear you need to change the way you look at things and change the way you think about them. Fear is rarely a reflection of your current reality; it’s usually a result of anticipating negative future events. Fears have a way of mushrooming when you keep thinking about them; they seem bigger than they really are. If you stop feeding fearful thoughts, they lose their power.

“Cast down imaginations, and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”

The thing you fear the most is often the one thing that’s standing in the way of what you really want. Don’t let fear rule your life.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’; it is possible to feel fear yet move past it and go for what you want regardless. You can learn to say no to fear.

The key is to recognize the fear for what it really is and refuse to let it hold you back from your dreams. The antidote to fear is faith.

* develop a clear strategy for overcoming your fear
* begin taking action
* do something every day towards overcoming fear

Your plan will never be perfect. Make adjustments as you discover what works and what doesn’t. When you start taking action the fear will begin to lose its power. Keep focused on your plan and take some action every day.

Fears will probably resurface from time to time; they have a habit of creeping up on you when you’re not expecting them. Just tell them that you’re not going to listen to them, take a deep breath, reach out to God and dare to live life the way you want to live it. You have better things to do than to live scared.

When you step out of your comfort zone and start to do things that you’ve been afraid of doing you soon begin to discover that the fear was bigger than the thing itself and there really wasn’t anything to be afraid of. Things are rarely as bad as you think.

Don’t let fear rob you of your dreams. Do something towards overcoming your fears every day. Keep pushing through and silence your fears forever.

“The only known cure for fear is faith.” Lena Kellogg Sadler


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